
My name is Kenny Najarro. I am a senior majoring in Advertising/Public Relations at the University of Tampa. Originally from Long Island, New York, I come from a family that hails from Guatemala making me a first-generation American and first-generation college student as it concerns my immediate family. Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by film and I would go as far as to say that is one of my true passions as it is something I can not live without. I can sit down and watch movies for hours on end without getting bored because of the immersive nature of the medium and its ability to make use of sound, image, and motion in an impactful and interesting manner. This passion has allowed me to branch out into writing and creating screenplays in the hopes of one day creating a feature length film. In other miscellaneous things I happen to have an intense fondness of span happen to be sports and music - hip-hop specifically as they are staples in my life. As far as this class is concerned - ART 211 - seems like a great opportunity to build my portfolio. With all the projects needed to complete for this class, I will have a multitude of chances to show my artistic abilities in different manners. I expect for there to be great discussion in this class also as the topic of art itself is divisive and welcomes argument/disagreements.  But I think this class will be a lot of seeing how areas of art, whatever medium they may be, and technology through the ages have affected it. To see the impact of how technology has changed these mediums is believe only one aspect of what we will cover, but also how technology has either limited or expanded how the mediums can be utilized and constructed. Also, I think the course will lead into how technology can further establish art in the future and how it will shift from how we know it now. 


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