Flipbook: The Chicken Or The Egg

Artist Statement:

       In the age of the internet, information is readily available. As we've seen in the recent political and social climate, the information found on the web is not always to be trusted; however, it's become the norm that people believe whatever is put in front of them. While this flipbook is not intended to be serious - rather whimsical and light hearted - its purpose is to convey this idea of questioning the information given to us. This was communicated by asking the age old question, which came first: the chicken or the egg? While there is no scientifically proven answer, the answer does not matter; what matters is that people will believe what they want and will believe what is told to them without verifying it - no matter how important the matter.

This is the progress throughout the creation of the flipbook. Let's walk through what's going on in each frame. 

This frame is the egg uploading its contents. 

This is the egg downloading its contents onto the book.

The egg is about to hatch.

The egg hatched - not all the way - and is walking away.

The chicken comes in drops knowledge.

The knowledge rolls off.

The chicken declares he in fact came before the egg.

The egg refuses to believe this "fake news". 

The egg wants a fact check. 

The chicken throws an egg to show the other egg who is telling the truth.

The egg doesn't struggle to accept the "truth". He takes what he is given. 


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