Grid Art: Mike Kazowski
Artist Statement: My favorite childhood movie is Monsters Inc. There was always something about Mike Kazowski that I related to when I was younger - maybe it was his smiley disposition to make up for his lack of confidence, maybe it was his drive to prove people wrong, or the relationship between him and Randall was reminiscent of my oldest brother and I. But, Mike Kazowski as far as this project is concerned, his eye is the main attraction in my piece. I saw wiggly eyes in the store and I knew immediately what I was going to create. With over 900 wiggly eyes, Mike's eye is the focal point. I think it was a great opportunity to make his eye to standout in the sea of smaller eyes. Also, wiggly eyes perfectly complement the goofy personality Mike Kazowski displays throughout the film.
Around 300 wiggly eyes.
Officially 900 wiggly eyes.
Added some giant wiggly eyes.
Added some color to it. It's coming along!
Does it look like him?
This was gas pack, i don't care what they think. Very creative and the fact that it's Monster's Inc is even better.