Video Deconstruction: From The Outside Looking In I approached this project with extreme bias. Hip-Hop/Rap has always been a genre of music that has raised controversy; in 2018, that is no exception. However, increasingly, ignorance regarding the music and the culture of Hip-Hop/Rap has become acceptable. To showcase this sentiment in the video, I've made the clips where ignorance regarding the genre and its icons - specifically Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar - black and white. This conscious decision was done to showcase how narrow their view of the genre is - not because they are unable to understand the genre, but because they refuse to understand the genre. The talking heads/news pundits/terrible researchers that comment on the culture - solely to push whatever agenda they need for their show - clearly do not know what they are talking about. The problem is not that they are talking about the genre; the more people who talk about Hip-Hop/Rap, the better for ...